(Craig Emerson 1981)
(Harvey Donegan 1981)
Decades' creased concerns
Sloughed, thinned hair troubles
Brushed back, seat's
-Climber scales terrain,
-Pores tackled often,
-Shapes, angles,
Rote aphorisms
Skim, 'We are happy
To serve you,'
Brims poison,
-Lid popped, straight, charcoal
-Slid back and forth to
-Here and now
-I accept;
I admit to herd
Mentality, crown
Royal glass,
Sipper lips,
-Smoking cured, whiskered
-Lisp: 'Not a problem,'
-Whispered, parched
Pitched revival called
Out, two-stepped on first
Name basis
-Side-stepped naysayers
-Co-dependent on
-Horse betting
-Tea readers;
Purchased western boots,
Grew mustache, blew straw
Men lurching,
Questioned booze,
-Broke down, stopped cold, black
-Drained off, rappelled strafed
-Cheeks, furrows
-Beneath eyes;
'I am...' 'We will...' said
Over collection
Box, spare change
Passed around,
-Unraveled discards
-Salvaged, balled up in
-Pocket of
-Choir robe;
Penance, sopranos
Paired, dereliction
-A traditional
-Recitatif round,
-Mace, female
Pipes, acapella
Brevis, vita purged,
Choir sings
Merci dirge,
-Organ surged, lyre
-Plucks from descending
-Scale, heartstrings
-Tugged ring bells;
Fling quelled, need blunted,
Hugged, taken in by
Group package
-Fragile passengers,
-Seats bumped, connections,
-Lodging, meals
Curtain, yanked past, healed,
Sun, confronted, washed
Across, held
Out promise,
-Premise emboldened,
-Skirted forehead, cheeks,
-Chin, instilled
7 September 2017
Vantage collector,
Chinese, Italian
Back turned, trick,
-Profiled, spout protrudes
-Harvey's mick kettle,
-Polished black
Won't pretend, complaints
Admonished: work, tout
Sweet tea with
Southern drawl,
-Source red sauced tank tops,
-Playground demolished
-Point guards, cleats
-Chain link hooked;
Rook's trinkets, gleaned mounds,
Acquisition forged
-Deshabille claimant,
-Gorge on pick-up game,
-Center skin,
-Shooting guard;
Thumbs rubbed, polishing,
Nose inhaled, newsprint,
Soil, suitcase,
-Frisson of brute force,
-Foes drubbed, co's high five,
-Trains bend, shriek,
-Curse invoked;
Purser's vowels leak, stall
Seller's sighs, frantic
Birds squawk, trucks
Stalled honking,
-Jock's balls crushed, mid-thigh
-Gym shorts cut tight, cracks
-Gawked diving
-For missed shots;
Hot pots, missed fire
Peppers, sweet chillies,
Crispy bites,
-Tested means, Chris's,
-Bills, meat tasting leads
-To hungers,
-Skewr'd entree;
Imbued quandary
Of dipping sauces,
Tongue chasing
Heat ends burned,
-Lick numbing glazes,
-Deep breaths, in and out,
-Learn to Pace
-Turn tables;
Unstable dim sum
Dishes tipping course
Of travels
-Discourse summation:
-Dimmed lighting, countless
-Hands and mouths
Salvaged potentate
Of urban drab, brand
Earned squab, male
Birth control,
-Bowled, maidenhair fronds,
-Regal girth, stamping
-Base metal
Frequently clamping
Two woodens, mine and
-Brotherhood sampling
-Has line snaking down
-The block in
-All weather.
1 October 2017
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